Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Beginning: Current Occupation

To start things off, I'll introduce where I am at in this new chapter of my life. Back in December I received my degree: a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Production with minors in Creative Writing and History. I have longed to work in the film business as a camera operator, assistant, or really any crew position on a film or television series. However, since my graduation, I have begun to lack that interest. Yes, I would still love the chance to work on a film or television series (preferably a sitcom or drama), but the reality is the entertainment industry is a fairly difficult one to gain access into. You must have connections and as an introvert who has a hard time meeting new people and continuing friendships for long periods of time, I have realized that gaining access into the film industry will be even tougher for someone with a personality such as mine.
And now I sit here. Half a year later, staring at a piece of paper I'm not sure I'm really even proud of receiving, and wondering if I made the right choice. Don't get me wrong, I loved my major. I loved all the classes I took and all the friends I made, but I lack confidence in myself. I lack the hope that  will be able to get my foot in that very narrow door. I fear that my time and money was wasted on something I may never have the chance of doing due to my lack of trained experience (which is something many employers in this field look for in applicants).
So I sit here, asking myself: What now?
Where do I go from here? Since my graduation, I have been promoted in my retail job that I have had for 4 years but it's just supposed to be the backup plan, not the permanent plan. I don't want to be trapped in this job. I want to be able to use my diploma, that expensive piece of paper, and get a job that I'll enjoy going to and working at. A job where I look forward to the days I work rather than the days I have off. A job where I won't feel so burnt out to point I grow to dislike it. But how do I get that start? How do I find what's right for me without losing a job that is paying decently for someone of my age and status?

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