Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Start of a New Chapter

So you've just graduated. You're finally free from small classrooms, excruciating finals, and that weird guy who kept sitting next to you ever since you were partnered up in that 101 class back in freshman year. The taste of victory is real as you hold your diploma in your hand. One single piece of paper worth thousands of dollars and hundreds of late night cram sessions. A smile creeps upon your face. You did it. You finally did it. You are 100% done with school. You look up from that thousand dollar paper that you worked so hard to get only to have your smile die as you realize- you are 100% done with school.
All your life it has been nothing but routine and goal setting and expectations, and what? How do you go from living a life centered around schooling to entering complete adulthood?
Well if you know the answer can you please tell me? Because that is the standing in which I have found myself. What do I do now? Where do I go from here? Did I pick the right degree? What do I even do with it? Will this piece of paper ever get me anywhere or was it a waste of time and money? How can I get a job when they want experience and I have none to offer? How can I get experience if no one will hire me because I do not have experience? Seems like a major Catch-22 to me.
So, I have created this blog in hopes of hearing from others who have been through this same situation, to give me hope that there's more than just attending school. That life will turn around and I will stop feeling so lost in such a huge world. My other hope in creating this blog is that if I do find a way to get through this difficult chapter in life then perhaps others will also find hope in my "after school life story" and see that they too can make it.
So this is my journey. This is the big chapter. The one that starts the rising action of my life. Who knows what could happen. Stay tuned.

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